Video Analysis
Pitchers studying with PitchingMagic routinely watch video of their own pitching and make comparisons to great pitchers. Lessons and clinics are the most common vehicle for getting video but there is live game footage as well.

Pitchers who are not students at PitchingMagic can also get a free video analysis. Amanda Scarborough has graciously allowed me to use video from her web pages to do a side by side comparison of technique. Video will be taken at either Chisago Lakes or Forest Lake fields. I am occasionally at other fields as well watching my students. The videos will be a few pitches from the throwing hand side. The analysis, which can also include a lesson, will be reviewed at the Pitching Place in Chisago City. Note that if the pitcher is committed to the "T-Drill" technique with the arm fully extended, that ball facing 2md base on the way down and the release that includes a wrist snap, there would be no benefit in doing the alaysis so please don't waste my time in asking for one. If the pitcher is committed to using standard technique then the analysis is of a lot of value.